Chapter 24 World War 1

  1. 1. Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and the United States combined to fight the Central Powers.
  2. 2. A government in which one person with unlimited power rules.
  3. 4. The act passed to quickly build an army with young men for the United States.
  4. 5. A group of ships that escort and protect other ships.
  5. 8. The gathering of resources and troops in preparation for war.
  6. 11. A situation in a conflict in which neither side can make progress against the other.
  7. 14. An act passed in 1917 that provided stiff penalties for espionage or spying.
  8. 15. An act passed in 1918 that penalized anyone who damaged or destroyed war supplies, property, or support.
  9. 16. A German Submarine
  10. 21. A person who is opposed to the use of violence
  11. 22. The right of people to decide how they should be governed.
  12. 25. The nickname used for American soldiers because of the buttons on their uniform resembling dough dumplings.
  1. 1. An archduke in Bosenia who was assasinated, and was the start of the first World War.
  2. 3. A celebration or military ideals, and a rapid buildup of military power.
  3. 6. A German Emperor
  4. 7. Information used to influence opinion
  5. 9. To limit use
  6. 10. The ship that a German U-Boat sank that brought the United States into the first World War.
  7. 12. A system in which countries agree to defend each other.
  8. 13. Woodrow Willson's vision and plan for rebuilding Europe and for peace.
  9. 15. A person who believes industries should be publicly owned.
  10. 17. Treaty that ended World War 1. Under these terms Germany had to pay the allies billions of dollars and give up full military power. It created new nations in Europe and restored old ones.
  11. 18. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire combined to fight the Allies Powers.
  12. 19. Payment for damages caused during a war.
  13. 20. An equality of power among different countries that discourages any group from acting agressively.
  14. 23. An international organisation for resolving international disputes.
  15. 24. A feeling of intense loyalty to a country or group.