Chapter 29 - Progressivism

  1. 1. fined railroads that gave rebates and the shippers that accepted them
  2. 6. published devastating depiction of Standard Oil Company
  3. 10. act preventing the mislabeling or adulteration of food and drugs
  4. 12. "Father of the National Parks", naturalist, and author
  5. 16. short-lived railroad trust created in part by J.P. Morgan and his associates
  6. 24. reform minded journalists who exposed corruption and scandal
  7. 25. financier and banker
  8. 26. allowed bankers to invest in foreign affairs and foreign policy
  9. 27. stated that prepared meat was subject to federal inspection
  10. 29. Wisconsin governor, eliminated corrupt corporations
  11. 30. brought attention to sweatshop conditions in factories
  12. 31. 11th Chief Justice of the United States
  13. 32. court case stating that it was constitutional to enact laws to protect women in factories
  14. 33. voters vote directly to remove an elected official from office before their term has ended
  15. 34. wrote "How the Other Half Lives" about the conditions in the New York slums
  16. 35. York court case that invalidates the 10 hour baker law
  1. 2. voters directly propose legislation
  2. 3. direct vote in which the electorate votes directly on a proposal
  3. 4. Chief of Agriculture Department's Division of Forestry
  4. 5. the term for the original members of a party that did not support change
  5. 7. amendment that prohibited alcohol
  6. 8. governor of California, broke grip of Southern Pacific Railroad on politics
  7. 9. split Republican party, contributed to conservation
  8. 11. imposed a high tariff on imports
  9. 13. pressed for laws to help women and children at work
  10. 14. educator, temperance reformer, suffragist
  11. 15. restricted free passes and expanded Interstate Commerce Commission
  12. 17. Roosevelt's Secretary of War, 27th President of the United States
  13. 18. amendment passed to allow direct election of senators
  14. 19. stated that money from the sale of public lands could be used to help find ways to irrigate crops in the West
  15. 20. influenced Roosevelt to create more National Parks
  16. 21. author of "The Jungle"
  17. 22. wrote "The Shame of the Cities" about the corrupt alliance between the government and big businesses
  18. 23. naturalist, novelist, and journalist
  19. 28. mayor of Seattle