Chapter 7--Criminal Justice

  1. 1. Punishment that allows courts to reduce the number of people in prison but keep an eye on them at the same time.
  2. 2. Length of term for a Federal judge.
  3. 7. Type of jurisdiction a court has when they have the ability to review a prior court's decisions.
  4. 8. According to the case Gideon v. Wainwright, what must you be provided if you are unable to afford one yourself?
  5. 14. The act of locking a jury up in secrecy so they are not "spoiled" by the outside world.
  6. 17. Number of Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals there are in the US.
  7. 21. Person that sued Arizona in 1960s over his right to remain silent when you are arrested.
  8. 23. The 5th Amendment ensures you have a right from being forced to _________ __________ or speak out against yourself.
  9. 24. The authority a court or police have.
  10. 26. A court order mandating you report to court.
  11. 27. A believable level of certainty that an individual might not be guilty--no need to prove innocence in an American criminal trial.
  12. 28. When a jury is unable to come up with a unanimous decision and cannot decide on a verdict.
  13. 29. Another name for the death penalty.
  14. 31. Total number of Justices on the Supreme Court.
  15. 34. A judge's ability to remove clearly biased jurors from the jury.
  16. 35. Griswold v. Connecticut set the precedent that individuals have privacy in the bedroom and cannot be denied the ability to use _____________________.
  17. 37. Number of Justices that have to accept a Writ of Certiorari.
  18. 38. Type of brief that uninvolved yet interested 3rd parties can file for Supreme Court cases.
  19. 41. A paper or document that one files before the Supreme Court that outlines their legal arguments.
  20. 42. Attempt of defense attorney to get the jury to either sympathize with or personally like the defendant and ignore facts of law in an attempt to get a not guilty verdict.
  21. 43. Number of minutes one gets to orally argue their case before the Supreme Court.
  22. 44. A judge that finds there is room for interpretation of our laws and can change the meaning of them.
  23. 45. When someone commits a crime against another person; punishments tend to be financial.
  24. 46. When defense and prosecution agree to a lesser charge in return for a guilty verdict.
  1. 1. A ________________ challenge is a lawyer's ability to remove any juror they wish during the selection process.
  2. 3. Obergefell v. _____________ set the precedent that the state could not ban gay marriage.
  3. 4. Type of law the Ten Commandments would be.
  4. 5. A judge that reads and interprets laws extremely literally.
  5. 6. Supreme Court tends to respect the decisions of prior Supreme Court cases and rarely overturns precedent; "let the decision stand."
  6. 7. Roe v. Wade legalized this activity--until this past summer when the SCOTUS overturned the precedent in Dobbs v. Jackson.
  7. 9. The state is required to provide you with an ____________ if you cannot afford it as per the precedent set in Gideon v. Wainwright.
  8. 10. When a court decision creates a standard of basis for future court decisions.
  9. 11. Document one must file if they wish to have the Supreme Court hear their case.
  10. 12. Number of jurors on a criminal court case.
  11. 13. Stage of a trial where you enter your plea and are notified of your charges.
  12. 15. The current Chief Justice.
  13. 16. Type of jurisdiction a court has when they get the first chance to hear and decide a case.
  14. 18. Title given to the head of the Supreme Court.
  15. 19. A jury must declare someone criminally guilty with a ____________ vote.
  16. 20. Likelihood someone will be a repeat offender and return to prison soon after their release from prison.
  17. 22. Selects Federal court judges.
  18. 25. Not guilty defense in which you admit to committing a crime but attempt to claim there was a really good reason.
  19. 30. ___________ v. Virginia set the precedent that the state could not ban miscegenation or inter-racial marriages.
  20. 32. Sonia _____________--first Hispanic on the Supreme Court.
  21. 33. Name of the idea of Presidents' desires to cram as many judges as possible that match their political beliefs onto the Supreme Court.
  22. 35. Collateral held by the court to ensure you show up for your trial.
  23. 36. When a judge serves as the jury in a case.
  24. 39. Approves of Federal court judicial nominations.
  25. 40. Either a violent or more serious crime--usually considered a prison-worthy crime.