Chapter 3: Expanding the Concept of Crime

  1. 3. Laws that make an action illegal, then punish people for doing the thing the law prohibits beforehand.
  2. 7. The relationship between mens rea, the act, and the resulting harm
  3. 8. Behavior can't be criminal if a law doesn't exist against it.
  4. 10. Under double jeopardy, legislative decisions to ______ can't be applied retroactively.
  5. 11. This kind of punishment is needed in order to declare an act criminal.
  6. 12. A legislative act punishing a person or group of people without a trial by jury.
  7. 14. This is the combination of both actus reus and mens rea.
  8. 15. Also referred to as the "but for" rule, this determines the factual casualty of a crime.
  1. 1. This says that individuals cannot be tried or punished twice for the same offence.
  2. 2. A criminal law violation in which parties of the crime are willful participants and the harm seems remote
  3. 4. Literally translates to "body of a crime"
  4. 5. Identifiable harm as a consequence for criminal activity
  5. 6. Said that the laws giving by the constitution applied to all of the states.
  6. 9. A very unclear statute that defines a crime in a way that someone of average intelligence couldn't decipher it.
  7. 13. There are this many additional principles needed to describe the legal concept of a crime apart from mens rea, actus reus, and concurrence.