Chapter 30 crossword

  1. 3. the global struggle for power and influence between the United States and the Soviet Union that followed World War II.
  2. 4. an economic system based on private ownership of farms and businesses.
  3. 7. ______ preparedness soon became part of daily life.
  4. 8. For the next _______ years, the Berlin Wall served as a grim symbol of a divided Europe.
  5. 9. What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s abbreviation?
  6. 10. In 1961, President Eisenhower warned _______ of the growing influence.
  7. 12. close watch kept over someone or something, especially by a detective or investigator.
  8. 14. _______ came into power hoping to reform the communist system and make it work better.
  9. 16. to declare to be blameworthy or evil
  10. 17. The Soviets set up a communist government in East Germany and demanded that the Western Allies leave______.
  11. 18. More than _____ years, the Cold War was over.
  12. 19. competition to develop and manufacture more and more powerful weapons.
  1. 1. The United States and the Soviet Union nearly came into direct conflict over____.
  2. 2. To be noticeable within a group.
  3. 5. Who was the second superpower that dominated world affairs besides the United States?
  4. 6. In April 1949, 10 Western European countries, the United States, and Canada formed the_____.
  5. 7. The _____________ inspired “ban the bomb” protests in both the United States and Europe.
  6. 11. Which senator took advantage of Americans’ fears to gain political power.
  7. 13. The Warsaw Pact (named after the capital of Poland) called for military cooperation among the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and East ______.
  8. 15. What was a war in which the superpowers backed different sides, which acted as substitutes (proxies) for the superpowers themselves.