Chapter 31 Crossword

  1. 5. the World War I peace treaty between the Allies and Germany.
  2. 7. An army of a nation has __________ if it has given up in a battle.
  3. 9. a group of nations that fought the Allies during World War I.
  4. 11. agreements between nations to work together in order to do something.
  5. 12. a harmful feeling of pressure that causes nations to not trust one another.
  6. 13. ships that can travel underwater.
  1. 1. something that can kill a person who breathes it. Germans used poison gas to kill enemy soldiers during World War I.
  2. 2. the inventions that use science to improve the way things are done.
  3. 3. a group of nations that worked for peace after World War I.
  4. 4. a peace plan written by Woodrow Wilson. It was used for the peace treaty after World War I.
  5. 6. long ditches from which soldiers sometimes fight during a war.
  6. 8. A nation that is _______ does not want to fight in a war.
  7. 10. anything having to do with the army, navy, soldiers, or weapons of a nation.