Chapter 34 Vocab

  1. 4. Inconspicuous former senator from Missouri who was suddenly catapulted to national and world leadership on April 12, 1945.
  2. 5. The women's branch of the U.S. Navy established during World War II to employ women in noncombatant jobs. (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service)
  3. 8. women's branch of the U.S. Army established during World War II to employ women in noncombatant jobs. (Women’s Army Corps)
  4. 10. law allowed the federal government to seize and operate plants threatened by labor disputes.
  5. 13. Commander of the Allied military assault against Hitler in North Africa and France.
  6. 14. Nonviolent civil rights organization founded in 1942 and committed to the "Double V"-victory over fascism abroad and racism at home. (Congress of Racial Equality)
  7. 15. President Harry S Truman met with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and British leaders Winston Churchhill and later Clement Attlee near Berlin to deliver an ultimatum to Japan: surrender or be destroyed.
  8. 16. A massive military operation led by American forces in Normandy beginning on June 6, 1944. The pivotal battle led to the liberation of friends and brought on the final phases of World War II in Europe.
  9. 19. The source of frenzied rejoicing, May 8, 1945, marked the official end to the war in Europe, following the unconditional surrender of what remained of the German government.
  10. 20. Commander of the U.S. Naval forces in the Pacific and brilliant strategist of the "island-hopping" campaign.
  11. 21. Codename for the American commission established in 1942 to develop the atomic bomb. The first experimental bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, in the desert of New Mexico. Atomic bombs were then dropped onto cities in Japan in hopes of bringing the war to an end: Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
  12. 22. Established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt's to act as an arbitration tribunal and mediate disputes between labor and management that might have led to work stoppages and thereby undermined the war effort.
  1. 1. Native American men who served in the military by transmitting radio messages in their native languages, which were indecipherable by German and Japanese spies.
  2. 2. wartime agency charged with regulating the consumer economy by rationing scare supplies, such as automobiles, tires, fuel, nylon, and sugar, and by curbing inflation by setting ceilings on the price of goods.
  3. 3. The women's branch of the U.S. Coast Guard established during World War II to employ women in noncombatant jobs. (U.S. Coast Guard Women's Reserve)
  4. 6. German-born physicist who helped persuade Roosevelt to develop the atomic bomb
  5. 7. Program established by agreement with the Mexican government to recruit temporary Mexican agricultural workers to the United States to make up for wartime labor shortages in the Far West.
  6. 9. A pivotal naval battle fought near the island of Midway on June 3-6, 1942. The victory halted Japanese advances in the Pacific.
  7. 11. An agreement between Britain and the United States developed at a conference, the two nations and their allies would coordinate their military planning, making a priority of protecting the British Commonwealth.
  8. 12. August 15, 1945, heralded the surrender of Japan in the final end to World War II.
  9. 17. FDR’s Administration issued an executive order forbidding racial discrimination in all defense plants operating under contract with the federal government. (Fair Employment Practices Commission)
  10. 18. Commander of the U.S. Army in the Pacific during World War II.