Chapter 3

  1. 3. An annual report compiled by the FBI to portray the crime rate in the United States.
  2. 8. A noncriminal offense for which the penalty is a fine rather than incarceration.
  3. 10. The degree of proof required to decide in favor of one side or the other in a civil case. In general, this requirement is met when a plaintiff proves that a fact is more likely than not true.
  4. 14. Punishable by imprisonment for a year or longer, or, on rare occasions, death.
  5. 15. A descriptive term for acts that are made illegal by criminal stature and are not necessarily wrong in and of themselves.
  6. 16. In a civil court, legal responsibility for ones own or another's actions.
  7. 17. LAW The branch of law dealing with the definition and enforcement of all private or public rights.
  8. 18. A criminal offense that is not a felony; usually punishable by a fine and/or a jail term of less than one year.
  9. 19. A method of gathering crime data through participants to determine their experiences as victims of crime.
  1. 1. Negligent homicide in which the offender had no intent to kill his or her victim.
  2. 2. All crimes recorded by the FBI that do not fall into the category of Part I offenses
  3. 4. A term for acts that are inherently wrong, regardless of whether they are prohibited by law
  4. 5. State of mind in which the offender's behavior shows a lack of concern for the well-being of his or her victims.
  5. 6. The person or institution that initiates a lawsuit in civil court proceedings.
  6. 7. According to the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), a law enforcement agency solves a particular offense when a person is arrested, charged, and turned over to the court for prosecution.
  7. 9. The degree of proof required to find the defendant in a criminal trial guilty of committing the crime.
  8. 10. Crimes reported annually by the FBI in its Uniform Crime Report
  9. 11. A term used to describe the actual amount of crime that takes place.
  10. 12. Homicide in which the intent to kill was present in the mind of the offender, but malice was lacking.
  11. 13. In a civil court, the person or institution against whom an action is brought. IN a criminal court, the person or entity who had been formally accused of violating a criminal law.