Chapter 4 & 5

  1. 2. / An illegal act, or failure to act when legally required.
  2. 6. / Senior Law Enforcement Officer in early England, like a Sheriff today.
  3. 7. / Identification of criminal suspects by comparing DNA samples.
  4. 9. / Constitutional process against unfair procedures in judical procedings.
  5. 13. / A legal defense that maintains the police originated the criminal idea.
  1. 1. / Penalty of less than a year in a local jail.
  2. 3. / A system which neighbors aided each other and protected the settlement.
  3. 4. / A law that is not criminal.
  4. 5. / A monetary amount set by a judge to get released from jail.
  5. 8. / A call for help in medieval England.
  6. 10. / In English towns an appointed peacekeeper
  7. 11. / Group of 100 families responsible for maintaining order and trying minor offenses.
  8. 12. / Penalty of a year or more in a state or federal prison.