Chapter 4 Key Terms

  1. 6. Mutational or randomly occurring biologic changes in which the changes of occurence of the effect rather that the severity of the effect is proportional to the dose of ionizing radiation
  2. 7. Designated for use in the description of a population or group exposed to different individual amounts of ionizing radiation
  3. 11. A system of units and quantities used to monitor occupationally exposed personnel such as nuclear medicine technologists and interventional radiologists
  4. 14. nongenetic consequences of radiation exposure that appear months or years afterward
  5. 17. The total electric charge of one sign per unit mass that x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies up to 3 million electron volts generate in dry air at standard temperature and pressure
  6. 18. The mean quantity of energy deposited by ionizing radiation in an object per unit length of track as it passes through the object
  7. 19. Radiation exposure received by radiation workers in the course of exercising their professional responsibilities
  8. 20. Measurement of the probabilistic health effect on an individual as a result of intake of radioactive material into the body
  9. 21. Biologic effects in humans caused by exposure to ionizing radiation
  10. 22. Common units that makes possible a standard system of units among all branches of science throughout the world
  1. 1. SI unit of radiation exposure
  2. 2. The amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object
  3. 3. A radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation
  4. 4. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation
  5. 5. The sum total of air kerma over the exposed area of the patient's surface
  6. 8. Biologic effects of ionizing radiation on future generations due to irradiation of germ cells in previous generations
  7. 9. SI unit of absorbed dose and air kerma
  8. 10. A dimensionless factor that was chosen for radiation protection purposes to account for differences in biologic impact among various types of ionizing radiations
  9. 12. Represents the quantity of electrical charge flowing past a point in a circuit in 1 second when an electrical current of 1 ampere is used
  10. 13. A value that denotes the percentage of the summed stochastic risk stemming from irradiation of specific tissues to the all-inclusive risk when the entire body is irradiated in a uniform fashion
  11. 15. SI quantity that can be used to express radiation energy transferred to a point, such as the surface of a patient's or radiographer's body
  12. 16. The SI unit of measure for the radiation quantities, equivalent dose and effective dose