Chapter 4 Nathaniel Beyer

  1. 2. those posers that the constitution does not grant to nation government and does not deny to the states.
  2. 3. both state and national government were equal authorities operating within their own spheres of influence, as defined by a strict reading of the Constitution
  3. 5. an era of federalism during which the national and state governments shared functional authority in broad policy areas
  4. 7. powers the constitution is preseumed to have delegated to nation government because it is the government of a soverign state within the world community.
  5. 9. regulations that the national government imposes on state and local governments
  6. 10. The Constitution lists powers granted to the national government.
  7. 12. federal funds given to state and local governments for specific projects
  8. 13. the modern era in federalism in which authority that rested with the national government is being returned to the states
  9. 15. central to the Contract with America was the idea of returning power to states
  10. 16. federal grants that can only be used for a specific purpose, or category, of state and local spending
  11. 17. a system of spending, taxing, and providing grants in the federal system
  1. 1. the idea that a state had the right to separate from the Union
  2. 3. the belief that the states had the right to cancel federal laws which they believed contradicted or clashed with state interests
  3. 4. those powers that both the nation government and states posses and exercise.
  4. 6. those delegated powers of the national government that are suggested by the expressed powers set out in the constitution; those "necessary and proper" to carry out expressed powers.
  5. 8. constitution's requirement that each state accept public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every state.
  6. 11. the period in which the national government channeled federal funds to local governments and citizen groups to address problems that states could or would not address
  7. 14. federal grants given to state and local governments for broad purposes, such as welfare, community development, public health, or education