Chapter 4 Review

  1. 3. - A cell resistant to radiation. Ex.) muscle, nerve, mature bone
  2. 5. - Recognizes that different materials that receive the same exposure may not absorb the same amount of energy – amount of energy absorbed by a tissue. Measures the amount of radiation energy transferred to some mass of material, typically humans
  3. 10. - More damage occurs when _______ quantities of radiation are absorbed by a tissue
  4. 11. - The time that elapses between exposure and observable clinical signs. The damage is done but it is not visible yet
  5. 14. - effects that are seen within minutes, days, or week following latent period. large amounts of radiation in a short period of time. do not apply to dentistry
  6. 15. Produced through photoelectric effect or Compton scatter . Results in formation of a positive atom and a dislodged negative electron. Electron interacts with other atoms giving off kinetic energy and causing further ionizations
  7. 17. - Consists of all other cells other than reproductive. Ex.) cells of skin, hair, blood, glands, bone, nerves, muscles. Do not undergo cell mutation; they are able to heal themselves up to a certain point
  8. 18. - Primary means by which x-ray causes cell damage. Occurs when an x-ray photon ionizes water (primary component of living cells)
  9. 21. another t
  10. 22. in the (__same word___) body tissues have thinned, and the body is less capable of repair thus the (__same word___) are considered more radiosensitive than a middle-aged adult
  11. 23. unit for for Roentgen (R)
  12. 25. __________ instead of round collimation reduces absorbed dose by 60-70%
  13. 26. - Reproductive cells (ova, sperm). Undergo cell mutation (ie: cannot repair themselves)
  14. 29. - Randomly determined. Having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely
  15. 31. - Refers to the quantity of radiation received, or the total amount of radiation energy absorbed
  16. 33. - Refers to rate at which exposure to radiation occurs and absorption takes place
  17. 35. - measures the energy produced by gamma radiation in cubic centimeter of air. measures radiation exposure
  18. 36. - A cell sensitive to radiation. Ex.) small lymphocyte, bone marrow, reproductive
  19. 37. - The larger ________ (irradiated), the greater the injury to the individual. Damage occurs to the blood forming tissues
  1. 1. Chemical changes can occur within the cell thus causing ______ damage
  2. 2. - Somatic effects that have a threshold. Increase in severity as absorbed dose increases. Caused by significant cell damage – then physical effects occur. EX)ERYTHEMA
  3. 4. - Occur as a direct function of dose. Severity of the effects is not dependent on the magnitude of the absorbed dose. Due to effect of ionizing radiation chromosomes. Ex) CANCER
  4. 6. ______ kVp reduces skin dose
  5. 7. Long cone _________ technique and longer target-to-film distance reduces skin dose
  6. 8. _____ ionization = hydrogen + hydroxyl free radicals
  7. 9. Equal to the one one-thousandth of a Roentgen
  8. 12. - The study of the effect of ionizing radiation on living tissue
  9. 13. - A unit that relates the dose of any radiation to the biological effect of that dose – different types of radiation have different effects on tissues
  10. 16. - small amounts of radiation absorbed repeatedly over a long period of time. apply to dentistry
  11. 19. - There is evidence of cell damage as a result of ionizing radiation targeting critical areas. Occurs more infrequently. Most x-ray photons pass through the cell and cause little or no damage
  12. 20. one Roentgen of gamma radiation exposure results in ______ rad of absorbed dose
  13. 24. - More damage occurs in cells that are most sensitive to radiation – ex.) young cells
  14. 27. ________ film instead of D-speed film – reduces the absorbed dose by 60%
  15. 28. - X-ray photons are absorbed within cell causing toxins thus damaging the cell. . Damage is not a result of a direct “hit” by x-ray photons. Occurs frequently because of the high-water content in the cells (70-80%)
  16. 30. Follows the latent period. Cellular damage may result
  17. 32. Uncharged (neutral) atoms or molecules that exists with single, unpaired electron in its outermost orbit (shell). It possesses characteristics of instability and high reactivity
  18. 34. another unit for Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD)