Chapter 4 Study Guide

  1. 2. Why did peple of Sumer depend on each other?
  2. 4. Why were leves built?
  3. 6. What was the cause of the food shortages in the Zagros Foothills?
  4. 7. What were Sumerain farming villages like?
  5. 9. How was the food shortage proplem solved?
  6. 10. why did the neolithic people farm in the foothills of Zagros Mountains?
  7. 11. Why was silt a problem?
  8. 13. Why were the Sumarian communities called "city-states"?
  9. 14. What natural resources were used to build strong walls?
  1. 1. Why was farming difficult in Sumer?
  2. 3. What were moats used for?
  3. 5. Where does the name Mesopotamia come from?
  4. 8. What was the prupose of theh dams and resrvoirs?
  5. 12. Why did rivers flood?