Chapter 4: The Human Body

  1. 2. This tissue sends and receives information about stimuli
  2. 5. This system offers support and protection of many internal organs
  3. 7. This tissue offers support and protection
  4. 9. This system offers protection against the external environment and regulation of temperature
  5. 11. This system controls the circulation of lymph, which maintains fluid balance and helps fight infection
  6. 12. This system is in charge of production of reproductive cells that will generate offspring
  7. 13. This tissue provides movement
  1. 1. This tissue covers the body tissue and lines the internal organs
  2. 3. This system is responsible for gas exchange between the internal and external environment
  3. 4. This system controls filtration of blood and excretion of wastes
  4. 6. What system provides regulation of body processes through hormone production
  5. 8. This system provides circulation of blood, which transports gasses, nutrients, hormones, and wastes
  6. 10. This system is in charge of the physical and chemical breakdown of food to allow absorption of nutrients