Chapter 5, 6 & 7 Vocabulary!

  1. 4. energy that includes both potential and kinetic energy
  2. 6. the rate at which work is done
  3. 7. ________________ force, the attraction/movement of positive and negative charges
  4. 9. how velocity changes over time
  5. 10. energy that an object has because of its motion
  6. 14. of reference a non-moving object that helps determine motion
  7. 15. mechanical ________________ describes how much a machine multiplies force or distance
  8. 16. stored up energy that an object has b\c of its position
  9. 19. ________________ force, the attraction/movement of north and south poles
  10. 22. a contact force that resists motion
  11. 23. a push or pull that can be contact/non contact, balanced or unbalanced
  12. 24. the amount of matter that makes up an object
  1. 1. the distance between point A and point B
  2. 2. a measure of how useful a machine is, given as a percentage
  3. 3. ____________ force, the attraction/movement of objects to each other b/c of their mass
  4. 5. anything that changes position must be in _______________
  5. 8. when a force is applied and causes an object to move
  6. 11. types of machines that are made up of simple machines
  7. 12. force equals mass x acceleration, Newton's 2nd ________
  8. 13. the gravitational force applied to a mass
  9. 17. charge by_____________, lightning is an ex.-charges rearrange in a neutral object
  10. 18. how fast something travels and its direction
  11. 20. types of machines that make up all other machines
  12. 21. the ability to do work
  13. 22. an area created by non contact forces where the the force has an affect