Chapter 5 Lesson 1 Age of Railroads

  1. 2. the president of the Great Northern Railroad
  2. 3. in order to get enough workers to build the railroads, the government and railroad companies encouraged ___________ from Europe and Asia
  3. 5. Policies like the Homestead Act, the ________________, and the Pacific Railway Act enabled distribution of the land
  4. 9. made it possible for private companies to build transcontinental railroads
  5. 11. consumed between 20 to 50 percent of annual timber production in the U.S.
  6. 12. bought the Northern Pacific and directed the completion of the tracks through Idaho and Montana
  7. 13. railroad construction was an expensive undertaking that required lots of land, money, and _______
  8. 15. railroads boosted ________ development throughout the country
  1. 1. a system for the marketing, transporting,and selling of any good or service
  2. 4. very important corporation in state's history
  3. 6. added so much new territory to the United States
  4. 7. a grant or contribution of money
  5. 8. James Hill's biggest competitor
  6. 10. extending across the country
  7. 14. challenged lincoln in 1864 presidential election