Chapter 5, Sections 1&2 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. first major battle of the Persian Wars
  2. 4. made into oil
  3. 5. empire in which Greece went to war
  4. 6. athletic festival that began in Greece
  5. 8. city-state known for a democracy
  6. 11. city-state known for its military
  7. 12. god that Athens is named for
  8. 13. father of the Greek gods
  9. 14. government with one ruler
  1. 1. geographic feature that separated Greece into city-states
  2. 2. legendary war between Troy and Greece
  3. 3. power rests with the people
  4. 7. age at which Spartan boys went to military barracks
  5. 9. story teller
  6. 10. made trade and travel easier in and around Greece