Chapter 5 Study Crossword

  1. 3. This geographic feature isolates Russia from other parts of the world
  2. 4. The current Russian Federation country has a more _______ economy rather than a command economy (two words)
  3. 6. The Soviet Union had a ______ type of government
  4. 8. Under the USSR, _____ became a symbol of the country, influencing architecture, literature, music, and more
  5. 9. The pipeline in Russia is how people overcome their environment to access this natural resource.
  6. 14. This group in Afghanistan have seen their rights and freedoms slowly rise in recent years.
  7. 15. This religion is common in Russia (two words)
  8. 16. One of the biggest issues in Russia today is political ________.
  9. 17. A large portion of the area around the Caspian Sea has a ____ climate.
  10. 20. ______ was a long conflict between the USSR and the United States in the 1900s.(two words)
  11. 22. In Afghanistan, ______ causes conflict
  12. 24. This body of water is shrinking because water is diverted for irrigation.
  1. 1. Central Asian economies struggle because of poor ______.
  2. 2. This religion is common in Central Asia
  3. 5. Because Central Asia has limited resources, and livestock herders move around a lot, they are considered ______.
  4. 7. This country came about in the earlier 1900s in Russia and influenced Centra Asia all throughout the 1900s.
  5. 9. Central Asia is isolated because it has no access to ____ (a type of body of water)
  6. 10. While most Central Asian countries technically have republic governments, they are really _______.
  7. 11. Central Asia's culture has great _______ (meaning many ethnicities, languages, etc)
  8. 12. Afghanistan has instability for several reasons. One of them is geography, including the fact they they have no access to water. This is also called being ______.
  9. 13. Russia could be more environmentally friendly by using water power. This is also called _____ power.
  10. 18. Central Asia looks to the _____ for cultural influences (direction)
  11. 19. This area of Russia has a subarctic climate
  12. 21. Russia looks to the _____ for cultural influences (direction)
  13. 23. This percent of Afghanistan's people cannot read (spell out the number)