Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 6. scrape up an object with their fingers
  2. 7. move towards bottle or mother's breast
  3. 8. understanding people, places, or objects still exist
  4. 9. happens when infant plays alone
  5. 12. parent leaves them in care of stranger
  6. 13. period from birth to the first birthday
  7. 16. intense sadness and emotional withdrawals
  8. 18. distress of being left
  9. 19. happens when a baby observes and focuses on an object
  10. 20. movement occurs by using the hands and knees
  1. 1. emotional connection between parent and baby
  2. 2. using forefinger and thumbs picking up small items
  3. 3. physical and psychological adjustment
  4. 4. reaction to foods that are unpleasant
  5. 5. cognitive development of infants
  6. 10. understanding language
  7. 11. from birth to 1 month
  8. 14. administered at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth
  9. 15. dragging movement
  10. 17. unique individual differences in the way people interact