Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 2. earth's outer shell broken into pieces
  2. 5. A mountain that forms from molten material
  3. 6. plates move apart
  4. 7. plates come together
  5. 8. plates slip past each other
  6. 11. A theory of plates tectonics that states that earth's plates are in slow movement
  7. 13. breaks in Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  8. 15. Energy carried in rays
  1. 1. Wegener's theory or what he called the supercontinent
  2. 3. where the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean trench
  3. 4. Continents slowly move away or together
  4. 7. Heat transferred by the movement of fluid
  5. 9. Any trace of ancient organisms that are in a preserved rock
  6. 10. Heat transferred by materials that are touching
  7. 12. when magma reaches the surface
  8. 14. molten mixture of rock-forming substances