Chapter 5 vocabulary

  1. 5. the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean particuraly Asian countries
  2. 7. a group of people that is different than most of the population
  3. 10. separate from other countries
  4. 12. a material, resource, or product that is bought and sold
  5. 14. a type of tourism in which people visit a country to enjoy its natural wonders
  6. 15. a form of government in which a monarch is the head of state but elected officials run the government
  1. 1. to use a person resources or situation unfairly and unselfishly
  2. 2. a type of farming in which the farmer produces only enough to feed his or her family
  3. 3. a system of government in which the ruler has complete control
  4. 4. most extreme or greatest
  5. 6. a country’s main city that is so large and influential that it dominates the rest of the country
  6. 8. specific to a particular place or people
  7. 9. a large farm
  8. 11. the animal life in a particular environment
  9. 13. the plant life in a particular environment
  10. 16. the ruler of a Muslim country