Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 4. Number of males and females of each age population
  2. 5. A factor that controls growth of a population
  3. 6. Usual weather as hurricanes, droughts, or floods, and natural disasters such as wild fires
  4. 8. The number of individuals per unit area
  5. 9. The larger the population gets the faster it grows
  6. 10. When a population grows because individuals move into its range from elsewhere
  7. 11. When a populations growth slows then stops, following a period of exponential growth
  1. 1. Includes competition, predation, hebivory, parasitism, disease, and stress from over crowding
  2. 2. Dramatic changes from high birthrates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates
  3. 3. When a population decreases because individuals move out of the populations range
  4. 6. characteristics of human populations and attempts to explain how those with change over time
  5. 7. The maximum number of individuals of a particular area of a particular species that a particular environment can support