Chapter 5 word puzzle

  1. 7. The ___ of 1763
  2. 9. what people wanted to move to the application mountains
  3. 10. Who is the first name of the Bostons patriot?
  4. 11. Conflict in the ___ Valley
  5. 13. Who had the lighter taxes?
  6. 16. What is the Vocab of breaking an established rule or law?
  7. 17. A ____ of British Goods
  8. 18. The ___ and Indian war
  9. 20. The ____ blow at concord?
  1. 1. What is the named of the great patriot?
  2. 2. the unjust use of government power
  3. 3. Tea Arrive
  4. 4. Parliament Massachusetts
  5. 5. What is the vocabulary word is a small army made up of ordinary citizens who are trained to fight in an emergency?
  6. 6. What vocab is the government or controlling power?
  7. 8. ____ and Concord
  8. 12. What is the Vocab word continue to keep?
  9. 14. The ____ Massacre
  10. 15. ___ Adams
  11. 19. What is the popular drink?