Chapter 6: Competition and Cooperation

  1. 1. ________ games are more spontaneous, imaginative, and freer in structure
  2. 4. ______ play competitive games more frequently
  3. 5. competition is simply a ________
  4. 6. the personality characteristic that best predicts how people appraise the objective competitive situation
  5. 9. cooperation produces _______ and open communication
  6. 11. usually seen as either positive or negative
  7. 12. ____________ games teach children that there is more to playing than winning
  8. 13. our social ____________ in large part influence competitive and cooperative behaviors
  9. 14. opponents see each other as rivals, striving against each other to win the competition
  10. 15. a social process through which performance is evaluated and reward in terms of the collective achievements of a group of people working together to reach a particular goal
  11. 17. the first experiment that addressed the effects of competition on performance was documented in 1898 by this person (last name)
  1. 1. a focus on personal performance standards
  2. 2. the third stage in the 4 stages of competition
  3. 3. the ________ of adult guidance is critical in determining whether competition positively or negatively affects the participants
  4. 6. term used to refer to situations in which people compete against others in organized physical activities
  5. 7. competitive sport can help athletes learn to work ___________ to strive for mutual goals
  6. 8. a primary focus on winning and beating an opponent can produce hostility and __________ among teams
  7. 10. a focus on interpersonal comparison and winning in competition
  8. 15. enhances enjoyment of the activity, communication, and sharing of information
  9. 16. __________ competitive people tend to seek out competitive situations and be more motivated to achieve in them