Chapter 6 Ecology Vocab Review

  1. 3. succession Succession that begins with new, bare rock
  2. 7. An interdependent relationship between two species
  3. 10. An organism's specialized "role" including how it gets resources
  4. 11. Occurs when two species try to use the same resources
  5. 12. Species with an important role in their ecosystem
  6. 13. The actual, physical place an organism lives
  7. 14. succession Succession that occurs after natural disasters
  1. 1. One organism lives inside a host and harms it
  2. 2. One organism benefits and the other isnt harmed or helped
  3. 4. The natural ability to recover after a change
  4. 5. species The first species to colonize a new area
  5. 6. The not optimal conditions a species can survive in
  6. 8. A variety of plants, animals, ecosystems, genetics
  7. 9. Both species benefit form this relationship