Chapter 6: Teaching Mathematics Equitably to all Children

  1. 3. ______ Monitoring is key to the prevention model. the data from assessment are what guided the movement within tiers.
  2. 7. Demonstrating and ethics of ___ is important. Identify pressures and burdens in students to help them navigate life stresses and create a safe refuge in mathematics classroom
  3. 8. ____ Strategy Instruction is characterized by highly structured, teacher-led instruction on a specific strategy. The teacher attempts to illuminate the decision making that may be troublesome for these learners
  4. 9. Incorporating student ________ to lessons hale students see themselves in mathematics and see that it is part of their culture
  5. 11. Build _______, it takes into consideration their native language, culture, and content. Use content and appropriate visuals to help students understand the task they're to solve.
  6. 13. Research strongly supports student's use of Native ___. Allow students to communicate in a mathematics classroom using their ____
  7. 15. Classroom _____ should include hearing ideas more than once, it is okay to press for details to gain an understanding of what students know.
  8. 16. Ensured Shared ____ gives students options on how to solve and engage with a problem
  9. 17. _____ vocabulary, play games based on mathematical vocabulary, create concept maps, and math word walls
  10. 18. _____ students is a significant culprit in creating inequities in the learning of mathematics
  11. 19. Comprehensible ____ means that the message you are communicating is understandable to students. Modifications include simplifying sentence structures and limiting confusing vocabulary
  1. 1. the four categories for adapting content for gifted mathematics are: Acceleration, Enrichment, ______, and Novelty
  2. 2. Engaging students in a _____ struggle and in making connections between mathematic concepts helps students who are struggling
  3. 4. ______ a strategy that involves the teacher demonstrating the steps to accomplish a task while verbalizing the thinking process and reasoning that accompany the steps
  4. 5. Response to _____ (RtI)is tier student support system that focuses on the results of implementing instructional interventions in a model of presentation
  5. 6. ____-Assisted Learning students with special needs benefit for others modeling and support by their classmates and peers
  6. 10. ___ Stands for Concrete, Semi-concrete, and Abstract Sequence and has been in mathematic education for years.
  7. 12. ______ groups help support students who are ELL's. Students with the same first Language and a bilingual student can help support each other best.
  8. 14. ______ content is important. Relate prior knowledge to make a lesson more accessible and bring context into the lesson to add meaning.