chapter 7

  1. 4. These judges are selected through various methods, including partisan elections, nonpartisan elections, gubernatorial appointment, legislative selection, and merit selection.
  2. 5. attorney The lawyer who represents accused defendants and convicted offenders in their dealings with criminal justice.
  3. 6. defender An attorney employed on a full-time, salaried basis by a public or private nonprofit organization to represent indigent defendants.
  4. 7. Each separate offense of which a person is accused in an indictment or an information.
  5. 8. A prosecutor’s pretrial disclosure to the defense of facts and evidence to be introduced at trial.
  6. 10. An adjournment of a scheduled case until a later date.
  1. 1. the geographic territory or legal boundaries within which control may be exercised; the range of a court’s authority
  2. 2. These judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. senate.
  3. 3. courts Courts that do not try criminal cases, but hear appeals of decisions of lower courts.
  4. 6. possess significant authority to decide whether to pursue charges.
  5. 9. rate Courts that do not try criminal cases, but hear appeals of decisions of lower courts.