Chapter 7: Crossword Review

  1. 5. Part of the nervous system that controls all of our involuntary functions.
  2. 6. Blood is deficient in the # of RBCs.
  3. 7. Red Blood Cell.
  4. 10. Pressure measured during the time when the heart is relaxing.
  5. 12. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
  6. 15. An abnormal heart sound.
  7. 16. Nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
  8. 17. Part of the nervous system that consists of nerves, extending to the outlying parts of the body.
  9. 18. Pressure measured during the time when the heart is contracting.
  10. 19. Inflammation of the bronchi.
  11. 20. Carry blood away from the heart.
  12. 21. Extensive loss of blood.
  13. 22. Carry blood back to the heart.
  14. 23. White Blood Cell.
  1. 1. Dilation of veins.
  2. 2. Throat.
  3. 3. Heart attack.
  4. 4. Inflammation of the appendix.
  5. 8. Most widespread of all communicable diseases.
  6. 9. Inflammation of the pleura.
  7. 11. Obstruction of a coronary artery
  8. 13. Abnormally high blood pressure.
  9. 14. Inflammation of a vein.