Chapter 7 (p168-191)

  1. 4. One benefit of the case management reforms introduced in 2010 is that it increases ?
  2. 5. Civil trial verdicts decide if a person is ...?
  3. 7. Once a civil case is initiated and the claim has been issued, both sides will give further information relevant to the case. This is called further and better ?
  4. 9. When the opposing party questions a witness
  5. 12. If an accused pleads guilty there is ...
  6. 15. A type of damages given for a quantifiable loss such as pain and suffering
  7. 16. The Sentencing Act allows for ... discretion where judges can choose an appropriate sentence
  8. 17. the most severe sentence that can be offered in WA
  9. 20. Where a civil case begins. Document outlining the alleged wrong is filed in the court.
  10. 21. Remedies for torts are called ? The purpose is to restore a person for the loss suffered.
  11. 22. The solution to a civil case is called ?
  12. 23. The first step in the criminal pre-trial process
  1. 1. the purpose of this stage is to clarify the dispute and prepare evidence
  2. 2. The purpose of this stage is to discover the truth
  3. 3. An aim of sentencing based on the 'eye for an eye' principle
  4. 6. How many stages are there in a criminal/civil trial?
  5. 8. The judge takes a more active role in case management which reflects the ... system
  6. 10. The resolution to a crime is called a ?
  7. 11. All convicted persons who claim their innocence have the right to what?
  8. 13. In a civil trial, when each party must provide the other party with a list of documents relevant to the case is called?
  9. 14. The least severe sentence that can be offered in WA
  10. 18. The person responsible for case management in the civil pre-trial process is called ?
  11. 19. Criminal trial verdicts decide if a person is ...?