Chapter 7

  1. 4. chemical released by animals that affect the behavior of other animals within the same species
  2. 10. -membrane, also known as the eardrum, the point where sound waves strike after passing through the auditory canal
  3. 13. cortex where auditory information ultimately reaches
  4. 17. deafness People with this type of deafness have a normal cochlea and auditory nerve, and can hear their own voices clearly
  5. 18. auditory receptors that lie between the basilar membrane of the cochlea and the tectorial membrane
  6. 21. the theory that each frequency activates the hair cells at one place along the basilar membrane and the nervous system distinguishes among frequencies based on which neurons respond
  7. 23. where the vibrations of the tympanic membranes are transformed into waves of greater pressure
  8. 24. Latin name for the “hammer” middle ear bone
  9. 25. receptors on the surface of the tongue that can contain up to 10 taste buds
  1. 1. the stimulation of one sense evokes the perception of another sense
  2. 2. theory saying the basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, causing auditory nerve axons to produce action potentials at the same frequency
  3. 3. a set or receptors specialized to respond to pheromones
  4. 5. the sense of smell
  5. 6. frequent of constant ringing in ears
  6. 7. English name for the “incus” middle ear bone
  7. 8. three small fluid filled tubes that sense movement of the head and help maintain balance
  8. 9. detects sudden displacements or high frequency vibrations on the skin
  9. 11. the intensity of a sound wave
  10. 12. reduced response to one taste after exposure to another
  11. 14. receptors on the tongue
  12. 15. Latin name for the “stirrup” middle ear bone
  13. 16. a type of deafness that results from damage to the cochlea, hair cells, or auditory nerve, and can be inherited
  14. 17. chemical that makes peppers taste hot
  15. 19. the rate of compressions per second, measured in hertz
  16. 20. theory stating the spinal cord neurons receive messages from pain receptors also receive input from touch receptors and from axons descending from the brain
  17. 22. fluid filled spiral shaped structure of the inner ear