Chapter 8

  1. 2. The suffix that the element in acids use.
  2. 5. The energy needed to break a bond.
  3. 6. The prefix that acids use.
  4. 7. An uneven share of electrons.
  5. 8. an even share of electrons
  6. 11. When an atom has partial charges
  7. 12. More energy is released than needed to break a bond.
  8. 15. An atom with more or less than 8 valence electrons is a _ to the Octet rule.
  9. 16. An acid that contains an oxianion.
  10. 17. Do electron pairs repel or attract each other?
  1. 1. What forms when two or more atoms bond?
  2. 2. As the length of a bond decreases, strength _.
  3. 3. This model helps determine the geometry of an atom.
  4. 4. More energy is required than released to break a bond.
  5. 9. What bond forms when two atoms share electrons?
  6. 10. Orbitals mix and form identical orbitals.
  7. 13. Electron _ is the tendency of an atom is to accept an electron.
  8. 14. When more than one Lewis dot structure is valid