Chapter 8 - Ancient China

  1. 6. what was used to make predictions about the future?
  2. 9. a set of beliefs about the world and how to live
  3. 10. military rulers of small states
  4. 11. Among the major achievements of the Shang were a written language and
  5. 13. battles ravaged the countryside and millions died.
  6. 14. along with mountains, these isolated China from other civilizations
  7. 15. Zhou leaders put these people in charge of smaller territories to ensure order and control
  1. 1. the devotion of children to their parents
  2. 2. the natural way of the universe
  3. 3. The Huang River was also called the Yellow River because of it's color. What made it yellow?
  4. 4. #7 When bad things happened, such as uprisings or natural disasters, the Zhou believed that these events might mean they lost what?
  5. 5. honoring the spirits of the dead
  6. 7. these were used for the first time during the Zhou dynasty
  7. 8. responsibility and this were the guiding priniciples of Confucianism
  8. 12. these were scared away by making loud noises during festivals