Chapter 8 Key Terms

  1. 5. Biologic reactions in tissues of the body that were irradiated that can be directly related to the dose of ionizing radiation received
  2. 6. Occurs within hours after a whole-body absorbed dose of 1 Gyt or more is received
  3. 9. A single precursor cell from which all of the cells of the hematopoietic system develop
  4. 11. The stage of acute radiation syndrome when symptoms that affect the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and cerebrovascular systems become visible again after a latent period
  5. 12. Shedding or flaking off of the outer layer of skin
  6. 14. biologic effects of ionizing radiation on future generations die to irradiation of germ cells in previous generations
  7. 15. X-rays in the energy range of 10 to 20 kVp
  8. 16. The study of cell genetics with emphasis on analysis of chromosomes
  9. 17. A chromosome map that consists of a photomicrograph that is taken of the human cell nucleus during metaphase, when each chromosome can be individually perceived
  1. 1. Radiation sickness, or early somatic tissue reactions, occurring in humans soon after whole-body reception of large doses of ionizing radiation delivered over a short period
  2. 2. Varies depending on the duration of time after exposure to ionizing radiation. Can appear within minutes, hours, days, or weeks
  3. 3. Effects upon the body that was irradiated
  4. 4. The period of about 1 week after the prodromal stage of acute radiation syndrome, during which no visible symptoms of radiation exposure occur
  5. 7. Reddening of the skin caused by exposure to ionizing radiation
  6. 8. Loss of hair by various means
  7. 10. A method of dose assessment in which biologic markers or effects of radiation exposure are measured and the dose to the organism is inferred from previously established dose-effect relationships
  8. 13. The phase of cell division during which the mitotic spindle is completed