Chapter 8 pt2: Intelligence

  1. 5. Robert Sternberg created a theory
  2. 11. Decreases in the 20s & 30s
  3. 12. This man was born in 1857
  4. 17. A test that examines a person's aptitude
  5. 19. Comparing a item to another
  6. 20. High IQ scoring children
  7. 21. Can be referred to the aptitude test
  8. 22. Increased when we get older
  9. 23. Genes,population,and enviroment
  10. 24. A test to show what someone has learned
  1. 1. A test what someone could learn in the future
  2. 2. Another name for bell curve
  3. 3. A revision by Lewis Terman
  4. 4. A sequence of numbers & letters
  5. 6. Another name for IQ
  6. 7. Someone with slower mental ability
  7. 8. Contributed with IQ
  8. 9. Having meaningful scores than other
  9. 10. A intelligence test made by David Weschler
  10. 13. Came up with 3 intelligences
  11. 14. Dealing with the chronological age
  12. 15. ASD
  13. 16. Has 4 components
  14. 18. Defines words