Chapter 8 Skeletal System: The Axial System

  1. 3. A tail that is formed if the posterior end of the vertebral column turns upward and into this dorsal lobe forming its central axis
  2. 5. One of various groups of labyrinthodonts wherein the pleurocentrum became predominant
  3. 9. Arriving streams of cells initially form enlarged clusters that are arranged serially along notochord
  4. 11. It contributes with musculature, to bending of the body, storing elastic energy and transmitting useful forces for locomotion generated by appendages
  5. 14. Massive flight muscle that arise from large sternum that bears prominent ventral keel in flying birds
  6. 16. It was used as the major criterion to define tetrapod taxa
  7. 18. Having one centra per segment
  8. 19. Composite bony plate forming the floor of the shell within turtles
  9. 20. Centra with flat ends suited to receive and distribute compressive forces within the vertebral column
  10. 21. Ribs that meet ventrally with the sternum
  11. 23. Vertebral condition of tetrapods wherein all vertebral elements in a segment are fused into a single piece
  12. 24. Continues rod of fibrous connective tissue wrapping core of fluid cells
  13. 25. Provide sites for secure muscle attachment, help suspend the body, forms ribcage and sometimes serve as accessory breathing devices
  14. 26. Shows the heterocoercal and reversed hetercoercal condition
  15. 28. In fishes serves primarily as a compression girder, resisting telescoping of the body during locomotion and translating axial muscle forces into lateral swimming undulations
  16. 29. Area between the thorax and the hips
  17. 30. One of various groups of labyrinthodonts wherein the intercentrum became predominant
  18. 31. A unit wherein at the end of the vertebral column, the posterior or thoracic, lumbar, sacral and occasionally caudal vertebrae of birds fuse into
  19. 34. Projections that extend posteriorly from proximal rib segments, offer sites of attachment for respiratory and shoulder muscles
  20. 35. It is the absesnce of centra in some vertebrates
  21. 37. Ribs that have two heads that joints with the vertebrae
  22. 38. Local mesenchyme condenses at the level of the myosepta these condensations become cartilaginous anlagen called_______.
  1. 1. Chain of cartilaginous elements
  2. 2. Into the design of vertebrae: differences in design reflect different ______ ______ within parts of the column as well
  3. 4. Hemal arches below expand into supportive struts
  4. 6. Offers site of origin for chest muscles
  5. 7. Found only in mammals, they reside between successive surfaces of adjacent centra
  6. 8. Term means “cut-up spine”
  7. 10. Also known as ventral rib head
  8. 12. Centra that is a bear saddle-shaped articular surfaces at the both ends, common in turtles that retract their necks and in cervical vertebrae of birds
  9. 13. It delivers propulsive forces, driving the fish forward but also can produce life forces
  10. 15. Resegmented blocks of cells
  11. 17. Generally applies to any process extending from the centrum or the neural arch
  12. 22. Tendency to twist or wring the axial column
  13. 27. Joining the rims of adjacent centra
  14. 32. Consist of ribs and sternal elements that embrace the viscera
  15. 33. Derived set of skeletal elements posterior to sternum, also called abdominal ribs
  16. 36. Composed of centrum, support a neural arch and spine, and is often associated with processes, including ribs