Chapter 9

  1. 1. Is one of tge main causes of the country's poor education record.
  2. 4. The _____ literacy training course is the basis for lifelong learning.
  3. 6. It means seeing a relationship, or noticing that things have something in common.
  4. 7. This sense is beyond knowing number names or counting.
  5. 10. ______ with children develops their vocabulary, ability to listen and understand, and ability to connect sound and words.
  6. 11. Is a systematic, structured, and sequental teaching.
  7. 12. This motivation is the first step of emergent literacy.
  8. 16. 8. A skills that refers to the literacy step when children develop the ability to tell a story or describe a sequence of events.
  9. 17. An instructional _____ is what a teacher uses inside the classroom to achieve the objectives of a lesson.
  10. 18. This planning is one way of planning instruction.
  1. 1. This is the "middle" or main part of the lesson. The Lesson ______.
  2. 2. 7. Is a significant predictor to a child's overall academic achievement.
  3. 3. Is a form of ordering.
  4. 4. It means looking at the two objects and finding how they are similar and different.
  5. 5. Tools that are necessary to assist teachers.
  6. 8. Talking and _____ with young children gelps them to develop listening and speaking skills.
  7. 9. It traditionally means the ability to read and write.
  8. 13. It also involves placing things is a sequence where order has a meaning.
  9. 14. It recognizes that instructional planning iscessential to successful teaching and learning.
  10. 15. This counting is reciting the sequence of number names - 1,2,3 and so on.