Chapter 9 Part 2

  1. 5. Introduction of high-yield crops and modern agricultural techniques
  2. 7. Grazing of livestock over extensive areas
  3. 8. Land cleared for shifting cultivation
  4. 13. Clearing land by cutting and burning vegetation
  5. 15. Clearing land, planting, and moving to new areas
  6. 16. Large-scale cultivation for cash crops
  7. 17. Planting crops on ridge tops
  8. 19. Commercial gardening and fruit farming
  9. 20. Grass yielding edible grains
  10. 21. Land degradation turning fertile land into desert
  11. 22. Integrated agricultural activities from production to marketing
  12. 23. Most productive farming areas
  13. 24. Alternating crops to improve soil fertility
  14. 25. Machine for harvesting crops like wheat or corn
  1. 1. Rice planted in a flooded field
  2. 2. Labor-intensive farming for high yields
  3. 3. Mechanical device for harvesting crops
  4. 4. Growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers
  5. 6. Seasonal migration of livestock
  6. 9. Growing food for personal consumption
  7. 10. Herding animals in arid regions
  8. 11. Flooded field for rice cultivation
  9. 12. Geographic area serving a particular milk market.
  10. 14. Growing two crops on the same land in a single year
  11. 18. Wet land for rice cultivation