Chapter 9 Review

  1. 6. A Frankish king who built a great empire in western Europe
  2. 9. a thousand year period that followed the fall of Rome
  3. 10. the knight's code of honor
  4. 11. a vassal or a lesser noble who fought on behalf of his lord in return for land
  5. 12. a noble who owned land
  1. 1. A peasant who lived and worked on the land of a lord or vassal
  2. 2. A political and social system based on agreements between lords and vassals
  3. 3. the main part of a noble's land where they stay
  4. 4. A group of people with the same occupation
  5. 5. A place of prayer and worship
  6. 7. Poem a long poem recounting tales of heroes and warriors
  7. 8. The samurai code of behavior