Chapter 9 Vocabulary Crossword!

  1. 3. The principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people.
  2. 6. occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.
  3. 13. 11 southern states that seceded from the United States in order to preserve slavery and states rights.
  4. 15. a line of animals or slaves fastened or dveiven along together
  5. 17. A boat propelled by a steam enginge, especially a paddle-wheel craft of a type used widely on rivers in the 19th century.
  6. 18. Restriction of interest to a narrow sphere
  7. 20. Package of five seperate bills passed by the United States Congress in September 1850.
  1. 1. is the term used historically in the United States for public works from the end of the American Revolution through much of the 19th century, mainly for the creation of a transportation infrastructure
  2. 2. The rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government
  3. 4. Quarters On the largest plantations, housing for slaves was often a large barracks-like structure fitted with bunks and occupied solely by men; women, children, and the elderly lived some little distance away in mean, small wood cabins.
  4. 5. A law passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 which provided southern slaves who escaped to free states
  5. 7. the right to vote
  6. 8. Issued on Augusst 8th, 1846 and prohibited the expansion of slavery into any territory acquired by the United States from Mexico
  7. 9. form of voting rights i menn which all adult males within a political system are allowed to vote, regardless of income, property, religion, race, or any other qualification
  8. 10. A settlement of dispute between slave and free states, contained in several laws passed during 1820,and 1821.
  9. 11. White men who acted as managers of the slaves and farming operations of plantations
  10. 12. When a woman married, her huband became her _______?
  11. 14. A long open porch, usually with a roof
  12. 16. The number of slaves who lived and worked for a single master
  13. 19. When planters returned home, they relied on the skills and knowledge of financial representatives called _______?