Chapter Four Crossword

  1. 2. Piggy and Ralph see a _____ on the horizon.
  2. 5. Who is the following quote about? "He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling."
  3. 6. The littluns begin to eat a lot of this.
  4. 8. Jack uses clay to ____________ his face.
  5. 10. During this time, the boys are frightened and worried.
  6. 11. Roger and Maurice stomp on the littluns' ___________.
  7. 12. Jack and the hunters catch and roast a _________.
  8. 13. They begin to have bad dreams.
  9. 15. The fire went out because Jack the hunters went into the jungle to do this.
  10. 16. Jack slaps Piggy and breaks these.
  11. 17. Jack is _________ with wanting to kill a pig.
  1. 1. After eating, the hunters do this, reenacting their killing. (3 words)
  2. 3. He is very angry with Jack.
  3. 4. Ralph uses Piggy's glasses to create this.
  4. 7. Who has throwing rocks at, but not hitting, Henry?
  5. 9. Jack doesn't do this after discovering that fire went out.
  6. 14. They were in charge of the signal fire.