Chapter Four Vocab Review

  1. 3. baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy
  2. 5. process of withdrawing a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the unborn baby
  3. 8. the liquid that surrounds and protects the developing baby in the uterus
  4. 9. developing baby is called a
  5. 11. male cell
  6. 12. incurable condition found in come children of mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy
  7. 15. the complex molecules that make up genes
  8. 16. tube that connects the ovary to the uterus
  9. 17. infection caused by a parasite
  10. 19. unit that determines a humans inherited characteristics
  11. 21. the process of sperm fertilizing the egg
  12. 24. another word for severe
  13. 25. fertilized egg
  14. 26. tiny threadlike structure in the nucleus of every cell
  15. 27. when the developing baby dies prior to the 20th week of pregnancy
  16. 29. inability to conceive a child
  17. 30. baby's development during a pregnancy
  1. 1. abnormalities caused by the mother consuming alcohol during pregnancy
  2. 2. test that uses sound waves to make an image of an unborn baby
  3. 4. long tube that connects baby to placenta
  4. 6. is a substitute. Can be a mother.
  5. 7. what a baby is called from the 3rd week of pregnancy to the 8th week.
  6. 10. present at birth
  7. 13. another word for sudden action
  8. 14. sudden unexpected death of a baby under one year of age with no clear cause
  9. 15. defect in a structure
  10. 18. another word for tendency
  11. 20. the complete blueprint for the creation of a person
  12. 22. egg cell
  13. 23. organ in the women's body where the baby develops during pregnancy
  14. 28. causing opposing views
  15. 31. tissue that connects the developing baby to uterus