Chapter Four Vocabulary Terms

  1. 3. A concept in Piaget’s cognitive theory as one of two processes people use to learn and incorporate new information
  2. 6. The process of learning the rules and behaviors expected when in situations with others
  3. 7. Freud’s theory of development that outlines the process by which energy is expressed through different erogenous parts of the body during different stages of development
  4. 9. A form of learning in which an organism’s behavior is shaped by what is reinforced
  1. 1. Having to do with the relationships between people and their environment; Bronfenbrenner’s theory is explained in terms of the balance and interplay of the child and the people and settings that influence development
  2. 2. Aspects of theory or development that refer to the social and cultural issues; key descriptor of Vygotsky’s theory of development
  3. 4. The orderly set of changes in the life span that occurs as individuals move from conception to death
  4. 5. Vygotsky’s term for guidance, assistance, or cognitive structures that help a child learn
  5. 8. The process of growth whereby a body matures regardless of, and relatively independent of, intervention such as exercise, experience, or environment