Chapter One

  1. 3. ___ Commandments
  2. 5. known as the Great Charter
  3. 7. "an eye for eye"
  4. 8. travelling courts
  5. 10. relies on case law, and is common to all people
  6. 12. the judicial process whereby evidence is presented by 2 opposing parties to an impartial judge or jury
  7. 13. written by the King of Babylon
  8. 14. undergoing torture to determine guilt or innocence
  9. 16. the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy
  10. 18. also known as the French Civil Code
  11. 21. states that law applies equally to everyone
  12. 22. laws given to Moses to guide the people of Hebrew
  13. 23. recorded
  14. 24. payment made by the offender to the victim of a crime
  1. 1. the clarification and organization of Roman law commissioned by Justinian I
  2. 2. to stand by the decision
  3. 4. judges of travelling courts
  4. 6. deciding cases based on recorded decisions of similar cases
  5. 9. trial to determine guilt or innocence by having the parties fight a duel
  6. 11. used in Quebec for resolving private matters
  7. 15. designed to prevent unlawful arrest
  8. 17. applying a previous decision to a case that has similar circumstances
  9. 19. the concept that monarchs and their successors got their power from God, and they are only accountable to God
  10. 20. the trial that requires friends of the accused to swear on the Bible that she/he is innocent