Chapter Three: In The Palace of The King

  1. 3. A person who guides their people.
  2. 5. A certain event/task passed down, usually in a family.
  3. 7. The wise ruler of the Phaeacians.
  4. 9. The things you have/own.
  5. 11. Man.
  6. 13. The leader of his kingdom, for better or for worse.
  7. 14. A noble person.
  8. 15. A royal female who helps rule.
  1. 1. Nausicaa's mother.
  2. 2. A form of maids, who help fulfill chores or duties.
  3. 4. A piece of ... in which people live on.
  4. 6. An older age group.
  5. 8. Being unlike any other, speaking your thoughts.
  6. 10. An unknown person.
  7. 12. Traditional.