Chapters of My Name is not Easy

  1. 5. In this chapter Amiq was quiet in his room. Sonny was there and saw Amiq, and the open duffle on the floor. The boys realized that Amiq was willing to take the responsibility, but it ended with a consequence. The boys were contemplating going with Amiq to the woods, as it was potentially dangerous. They ended up going with him. They found Amiq in the woods staring at the empty vodka bottle, and holding the Saint Christopher necklace. They go to old man Johnson’s cabin, with papers that need notarizing, and the kids are willing to take responsibility for the consequences. Everyone signed the paper, and old man Johnson notarized it.
  2. 6. This chapter talks about how Bunna and Luke don’t want to be at the school anymore, so they escape. Luke is thinking about Isaac and how bad he wants to see him again. Bunna and Luke were running away from the school, and they crossed paths with an Indian hunting. Luke and Bunna are scared of the Indian, so they run, but they get caught by Father Flanagan. He asks them specific questions, but he never seemed satisfied with any of the answers. Father Flanagan convinced them to be volunteer hunters for the school.
  3. 8. This chapter first introduces Chickie and her father Swede. Swede told Chickie that Sacred Heart would be great. Chickie’s mother had told her about trees, and all Chickie wanted was to be up in a tree looking down. Chickie had gone out of the school, and started looking for trees. She then got lost and remembered not to panic. She then got found by Sister Mary Kate, and got taken back to the school.
  4. 11. This chapter first introduces the garden that Donna, and Sister Sarah work in. The garden is where Donna thinks a lot, and she was thinking about Sister Ann leaving, and gave her the Saint Christopher medal. Sister Sarah had picked Donna to garden, because of her silence, and her green thumb. They were digging out potatoes with snow falling, when Sister Mary Kate found a moose on the highway. They come up with a plan to get the meat moose, and surprisingly Donna is going too.
  5. 12. This chapter starts by Chickie saying that bomb drills are stupid. Father Flanagan brings in a magazine, and they are talking about if they would beat the Russians to the moon, then the conversation switches to talking about bomb shelters and ice cellars. Evelyn, Rose, Donna, and Chickie head to the library to finish the article they were supposed to do, instead they were reading Life Magazine. They find out about Betty Crocker coupons. Bunna told Father Flanagan about the coupons, and he agreed. Bunna and Chickie would write letters in their free time. Chickie found out that Bunna liked her when she was late one night.
  6. 13. In this chapter the kids are on the bus coming back from a winning basketball game, and Chickie got a new diary. The boys were making fun of each other like they always do, but then the bus broke down. The adults left the bus and then Bunna steals Chickie’s diary. Chickie gets mad, the bus is fixed, and Chickie writes “BUNNA IS A DUMB ANIMAL.”
  7. 14. In this chapter it was another summer break. Luke feels that something bad is going to happen, but he doesn't know what. Luke tells Bunna about this feeling, but Bunna pushes it off. Luke and Bunna get in a fight if they should go for summer break, and Luke ends up staying, and Bunna ends up going.
  8. 16. This chapter starts with Luke having that gut feeling again. Then everyone started talking about how John F. Kennedy had been shot. Later it was announced that the president was dead. Nobody likes the sound of this, and they are listening to the Vice President being sworn to the presidency. Luke asks to call home, and his mother is surprised that he is not dead, and she is telling every family member she can. Uncle Joe is then on the phone, and Luke tells him that the gun was destroyed in the crash, but Uncle Joe got a new gun, and can’t wait for Luke to come try it out. Luke is staring off in the stars, thinking about Isaac and Bunna.
  9. 17. This chapter first introduces Luke, Isaac, and Bunna before they go off to Sacred Heart School. Luke talks about how his family are doing all of the regular things they do before they leave. While Uncle Joe is talking bad about the Catholics, and their school. The ending of this chapter is where the three brothers get on the plane, and meet a new kid named Amiq.
  10. 19. In this chapter Father Mullen stopped O’Shay in the lunch line, blocking Sonny. Father made Sonny and O’Shay give a tour to the general of the Russian soldiers that came. Sonny and O’Shay had finished their tour, and Father let them skip class, because of how good they had been. Father had told Sonny and O’Shay that the general would be eating lunch, and they should eat it with him. Amiq was supposed to be tested, but he wasn’t and the general was walking by. Luckily Sonny was there to help Amiq, and they decided to go out to the woods. They shared touching conversations that they never knew they would have with each other. They go back, and Father Mullen is waiting for them.
  11. 20. This chapter starts off with happy memories that Luke has while staying at Sacred Heart for the summer. Father Flanagan and Sister Mary Kate tell Luke what happened, but Luke already knew. “Bunna is dead.” Luke runs out into the woods, and feels all of the anger and sadness, and he wishes he was back at home with Bunna and Isaac.
  12. 21. There was a new story in the newspaper, and everyone is talking about it, the Project Chariot. The paper talked about plowing out a place with bombs, peacefully. Junior’s Uncle had edited the newspaper that everyone was reading. Father had agreed that Junior could do a paper on his Uncle’s paper. The kids went to the library to plan out stuff for the newspaper, and they picked up the newspaper Anchorage Times. The headline showed Eskimo’s revolting by killing ducks, and using them for food, and for their families. Junior had finished his story, Father Flanagan read it, and he did not really like it. The kids stayed there, while Junior was looking for things to write. Amiq was talking about ideas, but Junior was lost in thought, intrigued. He showed Father Flanagan his piece again, and Father did not like the opinions instead of facts. Later Father Mullen held up a newspaper written from a person at the school. He looked mad, but when Amiq tried to cover for Junior, Father was impressed with Junior, and not Amiq.
  13. 23. This Chapter is about Luke's first impression of the school, and by the way the trees look, how they took his brother, and his mother’s voice, all he wanted to do was take his brothers and run. Luke did not like how they took his brother, and he felt really guilty about it. It is also about Luke and Bunna’s first day at school, where Luke and Bunna are really skeptical, and Luke gets smacked on the back of his hand with a ruler for speaking Iñupiaq.
  14. 24. It is the end of summer and the new bus has arrived. Bunna is not there, and Chickie feels sad. Everyone was talking about the new bus, but Chickie was thinking about Bunna. Everyone was dancing getting off of the bus, but Chickie was not. Luke took Chickie to his and Bunna’s secret hideout, and they talked. Chickie then thought that Luke was her brother now, and Luke said he needed to find Isaac.
  15. 25. This chapter is about the summer break. The kids got to go home, but not Sonny. Luke and Bunna went home without Isaac, and their mother knew what would happen. Chickie went home, and Aaka Mae wasn’t there. She was sent to a home in Fairbanks. Sonny is back at the school helping out. Then it came the time where they all had to go back. Before Luke and Bunna leave, Uncle Joe gives them his old gun. They get on the plane and leave for school. Chickie is thinking about how they may end up like Aaka Mae, in a not really home, home. Lastly Sonny is waiting at the school.
  1. 1. It started off like a regular day, but Russian soldiers were at the school. Everyone was in class, when most of the Eskimos got pulled out for testing. Luke was first to get tested, and the soldiers reveal that they are testing to see why and how their bodies are used to the cold. They are testing with Iodine-131. Luke tells Amiq, and Amiq runs away. They are back in class, and the kids are talking about how safe the tests are, with Amiq not in sight.
  2. 2. This chapter is about an introduction to some of the students that were not previously introduced. It talks about how Sonny and Amiq are the kings for the two sides of the cafeteria, the Indian side, and the Eskimo side. It shows the rivalry between Amiq and Sonny. This chapter is also about the perspective of Chickie, and how she does not really like the school, and she missed Swede. It also talks about Sonny and how he has been to this school before, and how he thinks that the newer girl, Chickie, is different from the other ones. At the end of the chapter Father had slapped Luke’s hand from other people's perspective.
  3. 3. This chapter starts out like a normal day at Sacred Heart School. Amiq was making fun of people like usual, but then Sonny would make fun of Amiq. Amiq did not like how Sonny was making fun of him. The verbal fight turned into a physical fight, and they got pulled into Father Mullen’s office. They did not like Father Mullen’s office, so they were nice to each other. When they were finally released Amiq pulled out his fist, and Father Mullen did not like it. So he beat Amiq with the two by four.
  4. 4. This chapter is about Luke, and how boxing gets his mind off of things. Luke does not want to feel the hurt, so he boxes. He was boxing Sonny, but Sonny was fast and left handed. Luke did not beat Sonny, but Father Mullen said “your opponent always has a weak spot.” Luke then thinks about his wrists, and how they could be a strength or a weakness.
  5. 7. In this chapter Father Mullen is taking a break, and everyone is thinking how good Friday is going. Chickie secretly gets cookies and milk every morning, because of Sister Mary Kate. While everyone is doing their own thing like usual, there is an earthquake. Everyone is scared and outside, while Sister Sarah is on the ground having a heart attack. Sister Sarah is dead. They walk through the school, seeing what mess the earthquake has created. Father Mullen gets killed by a Tsunami, and Sister Sarah gets buried in the Church graveyard. They are all devastated from the earthquake.
  6. 9. In this chapter Isaac is brought back to the family, and Uncle Joe gets a new snow machine. He also has his new gun. Mom does not like the snow machine, but everybody else does. They are all happy to be back with each other, and hope it can stay that way.
  7. 10. This chapter is about Donna, and her new brave look. There was a dance, and Donna went with Amiq. They danced together, and ran off into the woods. Amiq and Donna kissed, then Amiq pulled out his half empty bottle of vodka and gave some to Donna. Luke came out to the woods to bring them back, and to tell Amiq that his dad was gone.
  8. 15. It is mail day, and a lot of people get mail, but Bunna and Luke barely get mail. Bunna and Luke are in the shower rooms thinking about Isaac, and their mom. The two boys are expected to clean the moose, but they have no idea how to. They get to the moose by using the trash bus. Luke figured to do what his Uncle does for dead caribou. They end up getting the moose stored, and later in the cafeteria Luke finds Isaac’s letter in the mail bag. They also find out their Uncle Joe is on the headline of a cover, and Luke and Bunna are trying to find a way to destroy the letter.
  9. 18. In this chapter, the kids have earned enough Betty Crocker coupons, but the bus would not be there till fall. Bunna had got on the bus, but Luke did not, Luke also put the gun in the duffle bag. The bus got started, and left. Later the bus stopped for gas, and Chickie got out for air. Bunna followed, and they ended up kissing and holding hands all the way to Fairbanks.
  10. 22. Chickie, Rose, Evelyn, and Donna are in their dorms just talking. They end up talking to Donna about Sister Ann, bombarding Donna with questions, so Chickie starts to answer them. Chickie ends up getting peer pressured into sneaking into Sister Mary Kate’s room, and looks at her diary. The diary surprised Chickie, and Chickie ends up feeling guilty for going into her room. The boys noticed she got red. This is the chapter where Chickie first gets her nickname Snowbird.