Character Traits

  1. 1. unafraid
  2. 3. unpleasant in manner or nature, unable to get along with others
  3. 9. having an influence on others to change their minds
  4. 11. tankful, showing appreciation
  5. 12. only concerned with one's self
  6. 13. able to think up creative solutions to problems
  7. 15. positive thinker, full of hope
  8. 18. brave, unafraid
  9. 19. reacts without thinking
  10. 20. not influenced or controlled by others
  11. 21. showing consideration for others
  12. 22. faithful to one's obligations, government
  13. 23. somewhat out of the norm, odd
  14. 24. tends to make quick or critical judgments
  1. 2. misleading or fraudulent
  2. 4. having or showing sound judgements
  3. 5. positive outlook
  4. 6. someone who feels deep sympathy or sorrow for another
  5. 7. shows self restraint , avoids deep relationships with family and friends
  6. 8. eager to achieve
  7. 10. answerable or accountable for their actions
  8. 14. showing politeness
  9. 16. warmly affectionate, fond
  10. 17. kind, helpful