Characteristics of Science

  1. 2. Analyze your results (Fifth step in the Scientific Method)
  2. 4. The variable that is being observed or measured in an experiment
  3. 5. Another name for an independent variable
  4. 7. An interpretation of an observation that is based on evidence or prior knowledge.
  5. 9. Another name for a dependent variable
  6. 11. What am I trying to solve? (First step in the Scientific Method)
  7. 12. The number of variables you change in an experiment.
  1. 1. A testable educated guess - if/then statement. (Third step in the Scientific Method)
  2. 3. The variable that is being purposefully changed in an experiment
  3. 6. The variables that are kept the same throughout an experiment.
  4. 8. How you test your hypothesis (Fourth step in the Scientific Method)
  5. 10. Collect data using one of your five senses (Second step in the Scientific Method)