Charter of 1732 BV project

  1. 4. An uninhabited place where people colonize usually in a new country or continent.
  2. 6. Not satisfied or content with the current situation.
  3. 8. :abc
  4. 9. A charter that granted the 21 trustees the land of GA to elect their own governing body, make land grants, and enact their own laws and taxes.
  5. 11. The Native Chief of the Yamacraw Indians, who helped establish land rights with the British.
  6. 13. When someone believes that their race/religion is superior to others, and abuses them for unpaid labor in harsh conditions.
  7. 14. and Services : a
  8. 15. The only one of the trustees who actually went to GA to settle Savannah, and became good friends with Tomochichi
  9. 17. A native Indian in Savannah, who would translate for Tomochichi and Oglethorpe.
  10. 18. a group of German-speaking Protestant refugees from the Catholic Archbishopric of Salzburg that immigrated to the Georgia Colony in 1734 to escape religious persecution.
  11. 19. A group of scottish people who came for religious freedom and land
  1. 1. Protecting yourself/colony from an opposing force.
  2. 2. Someone who owes something to a certain person, or government. In debt.
  3. 3. :ab
  4. 5. Charitable giving of goods and services.
  5. 7. generous actions or donations to aid people who are poor, ill, or needy
  6. 10. Of a different kind; form; character.
  7. 12. A new species/race taking over, controlling, or settling in a new place for various reasons.
  8. 16. the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.