Chelsea & Michael's Sip and Solve

  1. 3. What language does Chelsea enjoy learning?
  2. 4. Number of dresses Chelsea tried on?
  3. 5. Michael's hometown
  4. 10. Month & day bride & groom met?
  5. 12. Instrument Michael played in his band?
  6. 13. What is Michael's favorite game to play on PC?
  1. 1. Chelsea's middle name
  2. 2. Michael's favorite color
  3. 6. Food group Michael hates the most
  4. 7. Color of Chelsea's eyes
  5. 8. "Whatever our ___ are made of, his and mine are the same."
  6. 9. Chelsea's favorite kpop group
  7. 11. Number of total siblings between us?
  8. 12. Bride’s surname