Chelsea's Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 4. Grandma Harriett made Chelsea a beautiful Queen costume for Halloween but after Chelsea was poked by a pin during a fitting she would only (and incessantly) wear this accessory.
  2. 5. If Barrett was a girl, he was going to be named this!
  3. 7. Chelsea was born at Good ____ Hospital on April 4, 1992 at 4:30pm.
  4. 9. To no surprise, Chelsea refused to take off her favorite pink dress for several days at age 3. Pam finally took it to put in the laundry, but later found Chelsea stole it and was washing it herself in the ____.
  5. 11. Lawry and Charlie played ____ at the hospital to pass the time until Barrett arrived.
  1. 1. Chelsea's first word.
  2. 2. Chelsea had this many visitors come to see her the day she was born - has to be a record!
  3. 3. Chelsea's Aunt and Uncle secretly took Chelsea to see this movie when she was just a baby while babysitting one evening. Chelsea repeated the title for days and Pam and Chris never could figure out why!
  4. 6. Pam picked this name for Chelsea had she been a boy, but Chris wasn't so sure!
  5. 8. Barrett's first word.
  6. 10. Barrett only ate this vegetable after hearing his favorite dinosaur, a Brachiosauruses, liked eating trees!